Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gluten free pie crusts and peanut allergies

I've seen a lot of posts about gluten-free pie crusts lately. This is heartening, but has anyone seen any egg-free, wheat free pie crusts?

Also, it seems as if peanut allergies are really increasing. I just read a news article about how Kourtney Kardashian's young son had an reaction to eat peanuts. Experts claim that it's not related to all the vaccines that kids get, but what is it? When I was little, I don't remember anyone having peanut allergies, and now it's like every other kid it seems. Also, why don't most kids outgrow nut allergies as they do with food allergies? It seems like no one has answers.

I still feel bad that Ben might not be able to eat peanut butter, Reese's, peanut butter Sunday topping, etc. If anyone finds a great egg-free, wheat free pie crust recipe, let me know. Sometimes, it seems like such a pain when you have to do more than one substitution.