Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cherrybrook Kitchens--Friendly to people with multiple allergies

One of the companies that's friendly to people with multiple food allergies is Cherrybrook Kitchens.

Jamie found two of their mixes at a local farm market store. We tried the cookies first, and I wasn't a fan, but then we tried the brownies, and I liked the chocolate chips in them. They did have a slight chalky aftertaste, but, overall, they were pretty good.

I also like the story of this company, which you can read here: http://www.cherrybrookkitchen.com/aboutus/patsy_story.php

I don't know if egg-free, wheat-free, nut free products and getting better, or if I'm just getting used to them. I've been pumping for the last few days, and, so, I've been able to eat wheat. But it's not really that great. I think I'll be fine without it again.

Here's a picture of the brownies that we made with the Cherylbrook Kitchens Mix, above.
I would be open to trying their other products, if I can find them. It looks like you can also order their products from their website, but there are shipping fees. I plan to look for these mixes, especially the brownie mix, again. I'm willing to also give the cookie mix another try.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Food Allergy Resources, Food Allergy Frustrations

As many of you know by now, my son, Ben, (10 months) is allergic to eggs, wheat, nuts, peanuts and (some) tree nuts. When I first heard the results of his allergy tests, I was sad and stressed. But I wanted his bad eczema to stop bothering him, so I tried to stop eating everything with those ingredients in them. It was hard, at first, especially because I didn't realize how many things contained those ingredients in hidden forms. And candy, good God with the nut warnings.

One resource that has been great is the Kids with Food Allergies Network. They have a enewsletter, a forum, and a facebook page. I mainly just use the enewsletter and the facebook page. Right now, they have some very helpful ideas for snack tips: http://www.facebook.com/kidswithfoodallergies?v=wall&story_fbid=144872768870331.

Two sites that I discovered from there are:



The first website sells many products that are free of all of the eight most common allergens. (As always, however, be sure to read labels.)

The second site is not free of all allegens, but they do sell a candy that appears to be like an M&M but is nut free called a Skipper.

One thing that has frustrated me, however, is that many companies cater to just one allergen. For example, some gluten free bakeries won't bake without eggs, and, if you try to order from a regular bakery or candy store, well good luck. Most places are so afraid of an accidental reaction and liabbilities that they don't even care to cater to people with multiple allergies. Therefore, I'm going to try to support companies that do cater to people with multiple allergies. I'm going to post a list of some of these companies soon.

Happy cooking. Happy eating, and happy shopping.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday Stress or sometimes a boy just needs his mama

And sometimes his mama just needs a break, a rest, a nap. Times when his mama just needs to get away from said boy and take some time for herself.

Ben was scratching his chest tonight. I don't think it was allergy related. But it may have been stress. I was gone most of the day, and he seemed to miss me. His sleep schedule seemed to be disrupted because he took a nap later than usual, and he woke up cranky and hungry.

I gave him a bath, as usual, only not usual because the last few nights I had been bathing him purified water. Our water went out Wednesday morning, and there was a boil water advisory for 48 hours, and I didn't want to use possibly contaminated water to bathe him. So I used slightly colder purified water. He didn't like that at all.

Tonight, it was back to regular water, but he still didn't want to be in the bath. He kept trying to get out. I told him no when he grabbed my glasses, and he got upset and started scratching his bare chest. I don't think it was allergies, just stress. On night like this, I'd like to scratch something too.