Friday, September 17, 2010

Allergy Appointment

Ben had a followup appointment at the allergy doctor. I can't even remember when his last appointment was. May maybe?

The allergy doctor said Ben was looking much better, but she didn't think that we needed to retest him for food allergies since his test results would still probably be the same. I think that Jamie was hoping that we could retest him again now. She's very slow and methodical. For example, she suggested circling days on the calendar when his nose runs so that we can see if he is developing seasonal allergies.

She also suggested that I avoid fish and shellfish--in addition to wheat, eggs, and nuts--just in case he might be allergic, even though he hasn't tested positive for a fish allergy. I think Jamie would like for us not to have to watch everything, read every label, and I have to admit that it would be nice to just be able to order a pizza instead of having to plan for every meal.

I've been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables, or at least buy more fruits and vegetables. Sometimes, I don't always end up eating the things I buy.

As for treating sneezing and runny nose, we're going to try Claritin. Zyrtec does not seem to be working. We really hope that he does not develop asthma, but he's high risk because of eczema and food allergies. It's frustrating to think that we may not be able to stop it.


  1. Hi AllergyMama,
    I just want to encourage you to hang in there. My son is 16 months old and we have been battling with food allergies and eczema since he was 1 day old. Of course, we didn't know at the time that it was due to food allergy. Have you tried testing your son for cat and dog allery? My son is allergic to wheat, soy, eggs, dairy, beans and lentils, cats and dogs, peanuts, peaches etc. We avoid treenuts but not coconut since the allergist said it was okay.

    I also have never encountered anyone with food allergies and eczema before. It is such a struggle and so disheartening at times trying to figure out what is wrong and what is causing all the issues. Just know that you are a great mom and you are doing everything you can. My husband tells me that and it helps to hear it sometimes. I feel so horrible for not being able to help him. Anyways, did you know that even if you eat something that is allergic to the baby last week, it can still cause a reaction on him this week. I found that out the hard way. So, the main thing to do is avoid all the allergens. I also buy organic veggies from our local farmer to atleast give him some pure foods.

    Sorry about the long comment but I hope this helps out. I have been using Cerave on my son and he is still itchy and scratches out his skin. A little scared to try Aveeno Baby Eczema cream but I guess I am going to give it a try. I also tried calendula creams, Olive oil, Vaseline, Gentle Naturals, Natural lotions and creams and even Emu oil but nothing has helped yet. I am hoping our move away from CA will hopefully help. Thank you for listening/reading. Stay strong and encouraged :)

    A friend sharing the same struggles.

  2. Hey,
    Thanks for sharing. Things have been much better lately. We have been using Cerave too. We can't really use Aveeno on our son. Also, our son seemed to be allergic to something in the Calendula Creams. It did get a lot better after we stopped giving our son eggs, nuts, and wheat. But now he can have wheat and eggs if they are baked. Also, his flareups are a lot milder now. I'm trying to think when they calmed down. I appreciate the support and encouragement.

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