Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Aveeno Baby

I decided to try Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion again yesterday since so many people have had success with it.

Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion

I put it on a small area, and he didn't seem to have any reaction so I put a little more on. I went to Giant Eagle to get a few things with Ben. He was scratching the side of his face with the cotton gloves on though by then, and it was bleeding. So I pretty much knew I was going to need to give him a bath.

I do bathe him in Aveeno Baby Oatmeal Bath, and that seems to help. Yesterday, however, I used the adult oatmeal bath because we only had one packet of the other, and they don't sell those at Giant Eagle.

One of the things I had gone to get was Aveeno Baby Wash and Shampoo. I can't use the regular Aveeno shampoo because of Ben's wheat allergies. A lot of people have said that they have had good results with the Aveeno Baby Wash, even those with sensitive skin, but because I know that Ben's skin is supersensitive, I used it only on his head. We had used it before a while ago, but I couldn't remember why we stopped, so I thought it was worth a try again.

The ingredients and potential irritants and warnings for this product can be found at: http://householdproducts.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/household/brands?tbl=brands&id=10001006.

Aveeno Baby Wash contains Sodium Laureth Sulfate, which can cause skin irritation in many people. I think that even Johnson's No More Tears contains a less irritating ingredients. In addition to irritating his skin, however, Johnson's No More Tears also worsened his cradle cap in some areas. I am actually not sure if the Aveeno Baby Wash irritated him or not because his skin was already irritated by Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion.

On the other hand, we did notice that his skin felt moister. I have begun to wonder if the Vanicream is drying it out, and that's why I was looking for a new moisturizer in the first place. I am also starting to wonder if the Vanicream is slightly irritating his skin because he itched after I out it on this morning.

We may have to just try one ingredient things. We tried cocoa butter a while ago when his skin was really irritated, and it did not seem to help. I am hesitant to try it again because I don't want to cause an allergy.

We've been using Neosporin on the sore spot on his face, and it seems to be helping. I think it would be healed by now if things didn't keep happening to reirritate his skin.

According to the Less Toxic Guide, you can use straight olive oil as a moisturizer, so perhaps we will try that with one spot on his head, but, again, I am hesitant to try it all over for fear of causing an allergy. But at least we can use Vaseline. And oat baths.


  1. Wow, feel like I am reading about my life (almost. My son Tyson eczema and we been trying different things for him. 100% cotton sheet and clothes. Keeping him cool even at night. Alot of trail and error to figure whats best for baby.

    We also used a halo blanket that is what made his skin the worse it was. It was so bad it was raw and weeping. Now I keep him cool at night.

    It better now but still pink/red. Seem to get better then worse again, at least its not raw away more.

    We are currently using Mimyx Cream (prescription) twice a day and CeraVe in between. We been moisturizing about every two hours. Bath with CeraVe Cleanser. So far at lot better. He still wakes up during the night...

  2. R, it is frustrating! Ben's skin isn't terrible right now except the sore on his face that we can't get to heal. Hopefully, the dermatologist visit will help. Was the Halo blanket a sleep sack? We've just been bathing Ben in oats. His body looks a lot better for the most part since we switched to just cocoa butter and olive oil. Though it can be hard to keep him moisturized, at least there are no chemicals to irritate his skin in those things. Some people have allergies to those things to, but so far, it hasn't seemed to hurt him.

  3. Yes the Halo blanket was a sleep sack. I think it cause Tyson to overheat. I forgot to mention we live in Hawaii. We in Hawaii tend to get cold when its below 75 degree and freezing when it 65 degree at night. LOL.

    MiMyx contains olive oil it is the second ingredint after water. It was reccomend by our Dermatologist. So olive oil must be just as good if not better.

  4. Olive oil is good, but we've started to find that olive oil alone doesn't keep him moisturized enough. It does help his head though. He kept getting cradle cap, especially in this one spot, but it's mostly cleared up now. We've also realized that the one shampoo that we were using to help with cradle cap, Mustela Foaming Shampoo for Newborns, was actually irritating him. Does Tyson use any special shampoo, or has that not been a problem?

  5. Thank you So much for posting all of your favorites!! My baby dry skin usually flares up when the weather changes too!

    baby eczema
    baby eczema
